Matching against a Company in our database allows the retrieval of data associated with said Company.

Company Object

Here is the description of the Company object:

idstringAmplemarket ID of the Company
namestringName of the Company
linkedin_urlstringLinkedIn URL of the Company
websitestringWebsite of the Company
overviewstringDescription of the Company
logo_urlstringLogo URL of the Company
founded_yearintegerYear the Company was founded
traffic_rankintegerTraffic rank of the Company
sic_codesarray of integersSIC codes of the Company
typestringType of the Company (Public Company, etc.)
total_fundingintegerTotal funding of the Company
latest_funding_stagestringLatest funding stage of the Company
latest_funding_datestringLatest funding date of the Company
keywordsarray of stringsKeywords of the Company
estimated_number_of_employeesintegerEstimated number of employees at the Company
followersintegerNumber of followers on LinkedIn
sizestringSelf reported size of the Company
industrystringIndustry of the Company
locationstringLocation of the Company
location_detailsobjectLocation details of the Company
is_b2bbooleantrue if the Company has a B2B component
is_b2cbooleantrue if the Company has a B2C component
technologiesarray of stringsTechnologies detected for the Company
department_headcountobjectHeadcount by department
job_function_headcountobjectHeadcount by job function

Companies Endpoints

Finding a Company


The following endpoint can be used to find a Company on Amplemarket:

GET /companies/find?linkedin_url= HTTP/1.1
GET /companies/find? HTTP/1.1


The response contains the Linkedin URL of the Company along with the other relevant data.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.amp+json

  "id": "eec03d70-58aa-46e8-9d08-815a7072b687",
  "object": "company",
  "name": "A Company",
  "website": "",
  "linkedin_url": "",
  "keywords": [
    "ai sales",
    "sales engagement"
  "estimated_number_of_employees": 500,
  "size": "201-500 employees",
  "industry": "Software Development",
  "location": "San Francisco, California, US",
  "is_b2b": true,
  "is_b2c": false,
  "technologies": ["Salesforce"]