Sequences can be used to engage with leads. They must be created by users via web app, while leads can also be programmatically added into existing sequences.

Example flow:

  1. Sequences are created by users in the web app

  2. The API client lists the sequences via API applying the necessary filters

  3. Collect the sequences from response.sequences

  4. Iterate the endpoint through while respecting the Retry-After HTTP Header

  5. Add leads to the desired sequences

Sequences Endpoints

List Sequences

Sequence Object

idstringThe ID of the Sequence
namestringThe name of the Sequence
statusstringThe status of the Sequence:
active: The sequence is live and can accept new leads
draft: The sequence is not launched yet and cannot accept leads programmatically
archived: The sequence is archived and cannot accept leads programmatically
archiving: The sequence is being archived and cannot accept leads programmatically
paused: The sequence is paused and can accept new leads
pausing: The sequence is being paused and cannot accept leads programmatically
resuming: The sequence is being resumed and cannot accept leads programmatically
created_atstringThe creation date in ISO 8601
updated_atstringThe last update date in ISO 8601
created_by_user_idstringThe user id of the creator of the Sequence (refer to the Users API)
created_by_user_emailstringThe email of the creator of the Sequence
_linksarray of linksContains useful links related to this resource

Request format

Retrieve a list of Sequences:

GET /sequences HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{API Key}}
curl -X GET \
	-H "Authorization: Bearer {{API Key}}"

Sequences can be filtered using

  • name (case insensitive search)
  • status
  • created_by_user_id
  • created_by_user_email


This will return a 200 OK with a list of Sequences:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.amp+json

  "sequences": [
      "id": "311d73f042157b352c724975970e4369dba30777",
      "name": "Sample sequence",
      "status": "active",
      "created_by_user_id": "edbec9eb3b3d8d7c1c24ab4dcac572802b14e5f1",
      "created_by_user_email": "",
      "created_at": "2025-01-07T10:16:01Z",
      "updated_at": "2025-01-07T10:16:01Z"
      "id": "e6890fa2c0453fd2691c06170293131678deb47b",
      "name": "A sequence",
      "status": "active",
      "created_by_user_id": "edbec9eb3b3d8d7c1c24ab4dcac572802b14e5f1",
      "created_by_user_email": "",
      "created_at": "2025-01-07T10:16:01Z",
      "updated_at": "2025-01-07T10:16:01Z"
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/sequences?page[size]=20"
    "next": {
      "href": "/sequences?page[after]=e6890fa2c0453fd2691c06170293131678deb47b&page[size]=20"

If the result set contains more entries than the page size, then pagination is required transverse them all and can be done using the links such as: (e.g. GET /sequences/81f63c2e-edbd-4c1a-9168-542ede3ce98f?page[size]=100&page[after]=81f63c2e-edbd-4c1a-9168-542ede3ce98a).

  • self - GET points back to the same object

  • next - GET points to the next page of entries, when available

  • prev - GET points to the previous page of entries, when available

Add leads to a Sequence

This endpoint allows users to add one or more leads to an existing active sequence in Amplemarket. It supports flexible lead management with customizable distribution settings, real-time validations, and asynchronous processing for improved scalability.

For specific API details, please refer to the API specification.

This endpoint does not update leads already in sequence, it can only add new ones

Choosing the sequence

A sequence is identified by its id, which is used in the POST request:


To retrieve it, you have two options:

  1. Use the “List Sequences” endpoint
  2. Go to the Amplemarket Dashboard, navigate to Sequences, and choose your Sequence.
  • In the URL bar of your browser, you will find a URL that looks like this:
  • In this case, the sequence id is cb4925debf37ccb6ae1244317697e0f

Request format

The request has two main properties:

  • leads: An array of objects, each of them representing a lead to be added to the sequence. Each lead object must include at least an email or linkedin_url field. These properties are used to check multiple conditions, including exclusion lists and whether they are already present in other sequences. Other supported properties:
    • data: holds other lead data fields, such as first_name and company_domain
    • overrides: used to bypass certain safety checks. It can be omitted completely or partially, and the default value is false for each of the following overrides:
      • ignore_recently_contacted: whether to override the recently contacted check. Note that the time range used for considering a given lead as “recently contacted” is an account-wide setting managed by your Amplemarket account administrator
      • ignore_exclusion_list: whether to override the exclusion list
      • ignore_duplicate_leads_in_other_draft_sequences: whether to bypass the check for leads with the same email or linkedin_url present in other draft sequences
      • ignore_duplicate_leads_in_other_active_sequences: whether to bypass the check for leads with the same email or linkedin_url present in other active or paused sequences
  • settings: an optional object storing lead distribution configurations affecting all leads:
    • leads_distribution: a string that can have 2 values:
      • sequence_senders: (default) the leads will be distributed across the mailboxes configured in the sequence settings
      • custom_mailboxes: the leads will be distributed across the mailboxes referred to by the /settings/mailboxes property, regardless of the sequence setting.
    • mailboxes: an array of email addresses, that must correspond to mailboxes connected to the Amplemarket account. If /settings/leads_distribution is custom_mailboxes, this property will be used to assign the leads to the respective users and mailboxes. Otherwise, this property is ignored.

Request limits

Each request can have up to 250 leads, if you try to send more, the request will fail with an HTTP 400. Besides the email and linkedin_url, each lead can have up to 50 data fields on the data object. Both the data field names and values must be of the type String, field names can be up to 255 characters while values can be up to 512 characters. The names of the data fields can only have lowercase letters, numbers or underscores (_), and must start with a letter. Some examples of rejected data field names:

FirstNamefirst_nameOnly lowercase letters are accepted
first namefirst_nameSpaces are not accepted
3_letter_namethree_letter_nameMust start with a letter
_special_fieldspecial_fieldMust start with a letter

Request example

  "leads": [
      "email": "",
      "data": {
        "first_name": "John",
        "company_name": "Apple"
      "email": "",
      "data": {
        "first_name": "Jane",
        "company_name": "Salesforce"
      "overrides": {
        "ignore_exclusion_list": true
  "settings": {
    "leads_distribution": "custom_mailboxes",
    "mailboxes": [""]

Response format

There are 3 potential outcomes:

  • The request is successful, and it returns the number of leads that were added and skipped due to safety checks. Example:

      "total": 2,
      "total_added_to_sequence": 1,
      "duplicate_emails": [],
      "duplicate_linkedin_urls": [],
      "in_exclusion_list_and_skipped": [{"email": ""}],
      "recently_contacted_and_skipped": [],
      "already_in_sequence_and_skipped": [],
      "in_other_draft_sequences_and_skipped": [],
      "in_other_active_sequences_and_skipped": []
    Property nameExplanation
    totalTotal number of lead objects in the request
    total_added_to_sequenceTotal number of leads added to the sequence
    duplicate_emailsList of email addresses that appeared duplicated in the request. Leads with duplicate emails will be skipped and not added to the sequence
    duplicate_linkedin_urlsList of LinkedIn URLs that appeared duplicated in the request. Leads with duplicate LinkedIn URLs will be skipped and not added to the sequence
    in_exclusion_list_and_skippedList of lead objects (with just the email and linkedin_url fields) that were in the account exclusion list, and therefore not added to the sequence
    recently_contacted_and_skippedList of lead objects (with just the email and linkedin_url fields) that were recently contacted by the account, and therefore not added to the sequence
    already_in_sequence_and_skippedList of lead objects (with just the email and linkedin_url fields) that are already present in the sequence with the same contact fields, and therefore not added to the sequence
    in_other_draft_sequences_and_skippedList of lead objects (with just the email and linkedin_url fields) that are present in other draft sequences of the account, and therefore skipped
    in_other_active_sequences_and_skippedList of lead objects (with just the email and linkedin_url fields) that are present in other active sequences of the account, and therefore skipped
    Checks corresponding to in_exclusion_list_and_skipped, recently_contacted_and_skipped, in_other_draft_sequences_and_skipped, and in_other_active_sequences_and_skipped can be bypased by using the overrides property on the lead object
  • The request was malformed in itself. In that case, the response will have the HTTP Status code 400, and the body will contain an indication of the error, following the standard format.

  • The request was correctly formatted, but due to other reasons the request cannot be completed. The response will have the HTTP Status code 422, and a single property validation_errors, which can indicate one or more problems. Example

      "validation_errors": [
          "error_code": "missing_lead_field",
          "message": "Missing lead dynamic field 'it' on leads with indexes [1]"
          "error_code": "total_leads_exceed_limit",
          "message": "Number of leads 1020 would exceed the per-sequence limit of 1000"

Error codes and their explanations

All error_code values have an associated message giving more details about the specific cause of failure. Some of the errors include:

"invalid_sequence_status"The sequence is in a status that does not allow adding new leads with this method. That typically is because the sequence is in the “Draft” or “Archived” states
"missing_ai_credits"Some of the sequence users do not have enough credits to support additional leads
"missing_feature_copywriter"Some of the sequence users do not have access to Duo features, and the sequence is using Duo Copywriter email stages or Duo Voice stages
"missing_feature_dialer"The sequence has a phone call stage, and some of the users do not have a Dialer configured
"missing_linkedin_account"The sequence has a stage that requires a LinkedIn account (such as Duo Copywriter or automatic LinkedIn stages), and not all sequence users have connected their LinkedIn account to Amplemarket
"missing_voice_clone"The sequence has a Duo Voice stage, but a sequence user does not have an usable voice clone configured
"missing_lead_field"The sequence requires a lead data field that was not provided in the request (such as an email address when there are email stages, or a data field used in the text)
"missing_sender_field"The sequence requires a sender data field that a sequence user has not filled in yet
"mailbox_unusable"A mailbox was selected to be used, but it cannot be used (e.g. due to disconnection or other errors)
"max_leads_threshold_reached"Adding all the leads would make the sequence go over the account-wide per-sequence lead limit
"other_validation_error"An unexpected validaton error has occurred